Item Asset Class Instance

SCID 440-780610891-92622979

Ghostly Gibus

Ghostly Gibus
Level 10 Hat

Asset flags

Not Tradable, Not Marketable, Not Commodity


  • Paint Color: Mann Co. Orange
  • Halloween: Spectral Spectrum (spell only active during event)
  • Halloween: Voices From Below (spell only active during event)
  • Dominate a player wearing any achievement Gibus hat, collect the Ghostly Gibus, and take your rightful place on the Halloween-update-related-hat-throne.
  • ( Achievement Item: Not Tradable or Marketable )


Quality: Unique, Type: misc / Cosmetic, Class: Scout, Class: Sniper, Class: Soldier, Class: Demoman, Class: Medic, Class: Heavy, Class: Pyro, Class: Spy, Class: Engineer