aipon ;Buying trading cards;
THIS IS MY ONLY ACCOUNT. I AM BEING IMPERSONATED SO BE CAREFUL. Dont add me without leaving a reason in the comments!
An actual working site that gives steam stuff for completing tasks:
https://♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.com/?join=315346I trade cards from same game for 1 (my side) : 1+1 gem (ur side)
I trade cards from other games for 1 (my side) : 2-3 + 10 gems (ur side)
When trading with cards from other games i will decide if i like the offer or not.
How to make sure it's the real aipon?
A LOT OF TRADING CARDS (over 7000) (make that 15000+ fml cards (ok this is getting out of hand)
No Private bp!!!
If I added you its probably because of me wanting your cards and/or gems >;3
Collector of steam items
-etc :3
Selling quite alot of tf2 items aswell! profile [] Offer or donate :3 >;3 []10K trades :3 any trading card for 1-6 scrap each. Also buying 50 gems for a scrap and selling over 1100 items Check mah bp :3
How to kick them annoying mvm players In the console type "status" there will be a number before peoples name. So you will type "callvote kick (them put the number here)" so for example callvote kick 3.