Item class instances

Vintage Festivized Killstreak Ubersaw

Class IDInstance IDNameLowdown
2650981938 0 Vintage Festivized Killstreak Ubersaw Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes
2650981938 11040559 Vintage Festivized Killstreak Ubersaw Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes
2650981938 11040582 Vintage Festivized Killstreak Ubersaw Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes
2650981938 11040640 Vintage Festivized Killstreak Ubersaw Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes
2650981938 11040690 Vintage Festivized Killstreak Ubersaw Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes
2650981938 11040827 Vintage Festivized Killstreak Ubersaw Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes
2650981938 11040873 Vintage Festivized Killstreak Ubersaw Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes
2650981938 11040968 Vintage Festivized Killstreak Ubersaw Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes
2650981938 11041082 Vintage Festivized Killstreak Ubersaw Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes
2650981938 11041920 Vintage Festivized Killstreak Ubersaw Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes
2650981938 92547540 Vintage Festivized Killstreak Ubersaw Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes, Spell: Exorcism
2650981938 92719511 Vintage Festivized Killstreak Ubersaw Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes, Spell: Exorcism
2650981938 4651151347 Vintage Festivized Killstreak Ubersaw Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes, Tradable: No
2650981938 4661423642 Vintage Festivized Killstreak Ubersaw Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes, Tradable: No
2650981938 4845895272 Vintage Festivized Killstreak Ubersaw Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes, Spell: Exorcism, Tradable: No
2671370221 0 ''Crit Factory'' Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes
2716196087 0 ''extractor of Epic'' Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes
2832429404 0 ''Paige's Bloody Love'' Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes
3065160183 0 ''Trump Care'' Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes
3606343053 0 Vintage Festivized Killstreak Ubersaw Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes
3803804205 0 ''Not a Spoon!'' Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes
4075952343 0 ''Vintage Festivized Killstreak Skillsaw'' Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes
4233429965 92547540 ''the one-shot* wonder'' Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes, Spell: Exorcism
4311284715 0 Vintage Festivized Killstreak Ubersaw Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes
4371749646 11040872 Vintage Festivized Killstreak Ubersaw Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes, Tradable: No, Marketable: No
4508114870 11041897 ''Before These Mighty Skies'' Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes
4560188030 0 ''Engineer Gaming?'' Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes
4580733807 0 ''extractor of Epic'' Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes
4650659005 0 Vintage Festivized Killstreak Ubersaw Quality: Vintage, Festive: Yes