Kieru Snowbell
No one ever truly understands your feelings. You have to put yourself out there for people to know how you're really feeling. And I understand, it's hard. I've had to go through all this myself. And even now, I'm telling you to do something I've never truly managed to do. But I believe in you. You can do it, you can be the change that needs to happen in your life. And when you do, you'll be so much happier than you are today. I have faith in you, random stranger. I have faith that you can do what's right for your happiness, and that of those around you.
Sometimes all that happens around us can be far too much for us to take in, and we break down because of it. Our thresholds are all different, maybe some can only handle a little bit before they break down, because they're sensitive, or because they have some mental issue, while others are like bastions that take ages to wear down. But if you're one of those ones that breaks easily, take solace in the fact that it doesn't hit you nearly as hard as the ones that take forever. Because when they break, it's nearly unfixable.
If you're struggling through a hard time, be it physically or emotionally, don't hesitate to go to those around you. Your family, your friends, maybe even random strangers you meet on the street. You play a role in all of their lives, and quite easily one that they don't want to see disappear. These people, that like or want having you around, they'll be the ones to help you take that step back in the right direction. You have to be your change, but that doesn't mean other people can't point you in the right direction.
Every act of kindness that is given to or from you shows one very simple thing - that you are a person that belongs in this world. You do not have to earn kindness in order to give it out, to make those around you happier people. You need only accept that doing something kind for them, be it a handful of words or a gift, is something that you can always do. So know that you always have the chance to be a better person, even if it never feels like it.