Strange Commissar's Coat
Strange Coat - Points Scored: 502
Asset flags
Tradable, Marketable, Not Commodity
- Mercenary Grade Coat
- Gun Mettle Cosmetics Collection
- Captain Cardbeard Cutthroat
- Potassium Bonnet
- Bruce's Bonnet
- El Duderino
- Sheriff's Stetson
- White Russian
- Outta' Sight
- Fortunate Son
- The Physician's Protector
- Flak Jack
- The Vascular Vestment
- The Rotation Sensation
- Lurker's Leathers
- ✔ Commissar's Coat
- Wild West Waistcoat
- Support Spurs
Quality: strange / Strange, Type: misc / Cosmetic, Class: Heavy, Rarity / Grade: Rarity_Rare / Mercenary, Collection: GunMettleCosmetics_collection / Gun Mettle Cosmetics Collection