Strange Haunted Hellhunter's Headpiece
Strange Costume Piece - Carnival Kills: 19
Asset flags
Not Tradable, Not Marketable, Not Commodity
- (Carnival Underworld Kills: 3)
- (Carnival Games Won: 2)
- Holiday Restriction: Halloween / Full Moon
- Halloween: Voices from Below (spell only active during event)
- Gift from: Advanced Racist
- Date Received: Friday, November 7, 2014 (20:24:40) GMT
- The Sgt. Helsing
- The Hellhunter's Headpiece
- The Supernatural Stalker
- The Ghoul Gibbin' Gear
- ( Not Tradable, Marketable, or Usable in Crafting )
Quality: haunted / Haunted, Type: misc / Cosmetic, Class: Soldier