Strange Soul Gargoyle aka Sad Soul Gargoyle
Sad Tool - Souls Collected: 6539
Asset flags
Not Tradable, Not Marketable, Not Commodity
- (Merasmissions Completed: 4)
- (Halloween Transmutes Performed: 0)
- The Soul Gargoyle grants access to Merasmissions during the Scream Fortress event each year.
You can level up the gargoyle by collecting souls. Souls can be found by killing enemies, completing Merasmissions and finding Soul Gargoyles.
Levels up at 666, 1337, 2000 and then every 2000 Souls.
Provides access to Halloween transmutes where you can transmute 3 items for an untradable and unmarketable Halloween item from years past.
A bonus is given for every 10 transmutes. - The Scream Fortress Collections
- Gargoyle Collection
- Creepy Crawly Collection
- Violet Vermin Collection
- Scream Fortress X Collection
- Spooky Spoils Collection
- Wicked Windfall Collection
- Scream Fortress XII Collection
- Case Global Bonus Item(s)
- Paint Cans!
Taunt Unusualifiers!
MvM Tickets!
And TF2 Tools! - Inspect for full list of unusual effects and more details
- ( Not Tradable, Marketable, or Usable in Crafting )
Quality: Unique, Type: Craft Item, Collection: Halloween_master_collection / The Scream Fortress Collections