Item Asset Class Instance

SCID 440-1653985568-104810444

Strange Specialized Killstreak Fan O'War

Strange Specialized Killstreak Fan O'War
Strange Gunbai - Kills: 264

Asset flags

Tradable, Marketable, Not Commodity


  • (Giant Robots Destroyed: 475)
  • Crits whenever it would normally mini-crit
  • On Hit: One target at a time is Marked-For-Death, causing all damage taken to be mini-crits
  • Sheen: Hot Rod
  • Killstreaks Active
  • -75% damage penalty
  • Winds of Gravel Pit
    Scout brings on his deadly fan!
    You are Marked-For-Death


Quality: strange / Strange, Type: melee / Melee weapon, Class: Scout