Item Asset Class Instance

SCID 440-3432004853-11043616

Unusual Hat of Cards (Circling TF Logo) aka Unusual Hat of Cards

Unusual Hat of Cards (Circling TF Logo)
Level 12 Hat

Asset flags

Not Tradable, Not Marketable, Not Commodity


  • ★ Unusual Effect: Circling TF Logo
  • Why did we just take one of those cards out of our hats to blatantly cheat at poker? Maybe what you should be asking is this: why are our your gut?! You might also want to ask: where is the nearest hospital?! And: is blood as important as everyone claims?!
  • ( Not Tradable, Marketable, Usable in Crafting, or Gift Wrappable )


Quality: rarity4 / Unusual, Type: misc / Cosmetic, Class: Spy