The Seared Sorcerer
Level 55 Hat
Asset flags
Tradable, Marketable, Not Commodity
- Mercenary Grade Hat
- Style: Normal
- Paint Color: Color No. 216-190-216
- Wicked Windfall Collection
- All Hallows' Hatte
- Balloonicorpse
- Wrap-A-Khamon
- Misfortune Fedora
- Wavefinder
- The Fire Tooth
- Semi-Tame Trapper's Hat
- Gourd Grin
- Sir Pumpkinton
- Impish Ears
- Eye-See-You
- Glow from Below
- The Ghoul Box
- Goblineer
- Hollowed Helm
- Handsome Devil
- A Handsome Handy Thing
- Calamitous Cauldron
- Flavorful Baggies
- King Cardbeard
- The Boom Boxers
- ✔ The Seared Sorcerer
Quality: Unique, Type: misc / Cosmetic, Class: Pyro, Rarity / Grade: Rarity_Rare / Mercenary, Collection: halloween2020_collection_name / Wicked Windfall Collection