Unusual Spider Season War Paint (Battle Scarred) (Isotope) aka Unusual Spider Season War Paint (Battle Scarred) aka Spider Season War Paint
Asset flags
Tradable, Marketable, Not Commodity
- Mercenary Grade War Paint (Battle Scarred)
- ★ Unusual Effect: Isotope
- Can be redeemed for an item with the same pattern.
- Scream Fortress XII Collection
- Spectrum Splattered War Paint
- Pumpkin Pied War Paint
- Mummified Mimic War Paint
- Helldriver War Paint
- Sweet Toothed War Paint
- Crawlspace Critters War Paint
- Raving Dead War Paint
- Spider's Cluster War Paint
- Candy Coated War Paint
- Portal Plastered War Paint
- Death Deluxe War Paint
- Eyestalker War Paint
- Gourdy Green War Paint
- ★ Spider Season War Paint
- Organ-ically Hellraised War Paint
- This is a limited use item. Uses: 1
Quality: rarity4 / Unusual, Type: TF_PaintKitTool / War Paint, Rarity / Grade: Rarity_Rare / Mercenary, Collection: Halloween2020Paintkits_collection / Scream Fortress XII Collection, Exterior: TFUI_InvTooltip_BattleScared / Battle Scarred