Item Asset Class Instance

SCID 440-4755182525-4072865334

Unusual Bolted Bicorne (Nuts n' Bolts) aka Unusual Bolted Bicorne aka ''I'm not even a metalhead''

Unusual Bolted Bicorne (Nuts n' Bolts)
Level 71 Hat

Asset flags

Tradable, Marketable, Not Commodity


  • Paint Color: Australium Gold
  • ★ Unusual Effect: Nuts n' Bolts
  • One little-known fact about parrots: They WILL peck a hole through a human pirate skull. But they can't peck through solid steel. And if they try? This baby's electrified to the tune of 10,000 volts. Your move, parrots.


Quality: rarity4 / Unusual, Type: misc / Cosmetic, Class: Demoman

Fraud warnings

This item has been renamed.
Original name: "Bolted Bicorne"