Specialized Killstreak Stickybomb Launcher Kit Fabricator
Level 141 Recipe
Asset flags
Tradable, Marketable, Not Commodity
- This item has a set of inputs that, once fulfilled, will
reward you with what's listed in its outputs. - The following are the inputs that must be fulfilled.
- Unique Killstreak Item x 1
- Battle-Worn Robot KB-808 x 16
- Battle-Worn Robot Money Furnace x 5
- Battle-Worn Robot Taunt Processor x 3
- Reinforced Robot Emotion Detector x 2
- Reinforced Robot Humor Suppression Pump x 3
- You will receive all of the following outputs once all of the inputs are fulfilled.
- Specialized Killstreak Stickybomb Launcher Kit
- (Sheen: Deadly Daffodil)
- This is a limited use item. Uses: 1
Quality: Unique, Type: TF_ItemDynamicRecipeTool / Recipe