Unusual El Mostacho (Rainbow Reverie) aka Unusual El Mostacho
Level 23 Hat
Asset flags
Tradable, Marketable, Not Commodity
- Mercenary Grade Hat
- ★ Unusual Effect: Rainbow Reverie
- Spooky Spoils Collection
- Pyr'o Lantern
- Mister Bones
- Head of the Dead
- Elizabeth the Third
- The Trick Stabber
- Racc Mann
- Madmann's Muzzle
- The Horrible Horns
- Skullbrero
- Soviet Strongmann
- Voodoo Vizier
- El Zapateador
- Bat Hat
- Bread Biter
- Derangement Garment
- ★ El Mostacho
- Candy Cranium
- Convict Cap
- Pocket Halloween Boss
- Party Poncho
- Fuel Injector
Quality: rarity4 / Unusual, Type: misc / Cosmetic, Class: Engineer, Rarity / Grade: Rarity_Rare / Mercenary, Collection: halloween2019_collection_name / Spooky Spoils Collection