Item Asset Class Instance

SCID 730-310777409-302028390

G3SG1 | Desert Storm (Minimal Wear) aka G3SG1 | Desert Storm

G3SG1 | Desert Storm (Minimal Wear)
Consumer Grade Sniper Rifle

Asset flags

Tradable, Marketable, Not Commodity


  • Exterior: Minimal Wear
  • The pricy G3SG1 lowers movement speed considerably but compensates with a higher rate of fire than other sniper rifles. It has been painted using a desert camouflage hydrographic.
  • The Dust 2 Collection


Type: CSGO_Type_SniperRifle / Sniper Rifle, Weapon: weapon_g3sg1 / G3SG1, ItemSet / Collection: set_dust_2 / The Dust 2 Collection, Quality / Category: normal / Normal, Rarity / Quality: Rarity_Common_Weapon / Consumer Grade, Exterior: WearCategory1 / Minimal Wear