ESEA - Faceit - ♥♥♥♥.
When you're up, its never as good as it seems
And when you're down you never think you're gonna be up again
But life goes on, remember that.
Always expect the unexpectated.
BeaKie lft : guy jsut has faceit linked thinking it makes him look any more legit
BeaKie lft : lmfao
BeaKie lft : and esea
jpsexy : lulz
jpsexy : fodder jr
SD : lol gully enjoy the VACation
WalruS : pros cant hit that shot rofl
WalruS : you need to go pro
codyL : gully still not banned
AestheticsOfGaming: gully, you're a monster bruh
kDuffy: that was kennys ♥♥♥♥
talbot-qc : hacker
Effect : gully ur crazy
spooker : gully go pro already ♥♥♥♥
Beboo : gully your a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ god
funkehaus : you actually have yourself convinced you dont hack
FatalUno : u arent legit
Vani11aPudding : nuttiest shot I've ever seen I swear
Frosty : ♥♥♥♥ you gully u cheater
Frosty : IM DONE
OhSparkZ : u dont even see me gully
OhSparkZ : r u ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ kidding me
jawnt : you're actually a closet cheater
jawnt : sad bro
jawnt : youre too pro
Fluxzy : your just sad your never gonna be good at the game so Im not even mad hahhaa
Fluxzy : cmon explain why use them are you not good enough?
Fluxzy : shut up man dont try to redeem yourself you suck at the games thats fine just hack
hitman : report gully ez vac