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Events as Shoutcaster -
NPF13 - Niels "rizc" Topp - Rasmus "ralleh" Pedersen
NPF14 - Niels "rizc" Topp - Rasmus "ztereo" Engholm - Rasmus "ralleh" Pedersen
Have been playing in Rasta-Gaming since end 2007
Iseries 34 Playing for Royalty - fordy, gimp, tweedz, FaeMM and ralleh
Iseries 35 Playing for Rasta - danul, Arky, Damage, fudzx and ralleh
Iseries 36 Playing for Rasta - Arca!l, Niceguy, Marvin, Arky and ralleh
Iseries 38 Playing for Rasta - Arky, dirtymag!c, cr@zy, damage and ralleh
Iseries 39 Playing for Rasta - holl1s, Crimson, foolio, surreal and ralleh
Iseries 45 Playing for Rasta - morton, iNFEE, kyz, disgrace and ralleh
Iseries 46 Playing for Rasta - holl1s, syph, fatal, disgrace and ralleh
Iseries 49 Playing for Rasta - Fisher, chancetron, teddzy, Luster and ralleh 7th-8th
HKlan 2013 Playing for Rasta - alvaro, TheBoSS, Dudey, disgrace and ralleh
NPF14 playing for DuQa - ZooM, Haunt, Psyclown, eQual and ralleh
Reason-gaming - wilz00, m0le, jakem, paynt and ralleh
Rasta.eon - ShiG[J], req, Stannly, arf and ralleh
PlayerForge []