MF Spiffylad
Isaac and his Isaac lived alone on a small Isaac on an Isaac. Isaac kept to himself, drawing Isaac and playing with his Isaac, as his Isaac watched christian Isaac on the Isaac. Isaac was simple. And they were both Isaac. That was, until the Isaac heard an Isaac from Isaac... "YOUR ISAAC HAS BECOME ISAAC BY ISAAC, HE NEEDS TO BE ISAAC." "I will do my best to save Isaac, my Isaac." Isaac's Isaac replied, rushing into Isaac's Isaac, removing all that was Isaac from his Isaac. Again, the Isaac called to Isaac. "ISAAC'S ISAAC IS STILL ISAAC. HE NEEDS TO BE CUT OFF FROM ALL THAT IS ISAAC IN THIS ISAAC, AND CONFESS HIS ISAAC." "I will follow your Isaac, I have Isaac in thee." Isaac's Isaac replied, as she locked Isaac in his Isaac, away from the Isaacs of the Isaac. One last Isaac, Isaac's Isaac heard the Isaac of Isaac calling to Isaac... "YOU'VE DONE AS I ASKED... BUT I STILL QUESTION YOUR ISAAC TO ISAAC. TO PROVE YOUR ISAAC, I WILL ASK ONE MORE ISAAC OF ISAAC." "Yes, Isaac, anything." Isaac's Isaac begged. "TO PROVE YOUR ISAAC AND ISSAC, I REQUIRE ISAAC. YOUR ISAAC WILL BE THE ISAAC. GO INTO HIS ISAAC, AND END HIS ISAAC AS AN ISAAC TO ISAAC, TO PROVE YOU ISAAC ME ABOVE ALL ISAAC." "Yes, Isaac." She replied, grabbing an Isaac from the Isaac. Isaac, watching through an Isaac in his Isaac, trembled in Isaac. Scrambling around his Isaac to find Isaac, he noticed Isaac to the Isaac, hidden under his Isaac. Without Isaac, he flung open Isaac, just as Isaac burst through his Isaac, and threw himself down, into the unknown Isaac below...