Have you ever sat next to a complete stranger and felt some sort of connection with them? That type of connection that you can’t describe, but you know for a fact that it’s there. Like you don’t even know the person’s name, how old they are or when their birthday is. All you know is that they’re sitting on the exact same bench at the exact same place, at the exact same time as you are.
And you want to start a conversation with them, but they seem so busy that you don’t want to bother them. Or if you just randomly start talking to them they would be like, “Why is this person talking to me?” But the truth is, the same thoughts are running through their mind, wanting to make the first move but are too scared.
So you both just mind your own business as if you have the whole bench all to yourself. You have this opportunity to meet someone new and you end up letting the moment pass you by to avoid all awkwardness.
Before you know it, they get up and walk away without saying a single goodbye because there was nothing to say goodbye to. They were just a stranger to you, but for some reason you wish they never left your side. Should have, could have, would have but didn’t. That could have been the one.