Picture by the amazing
Kredous I make chill music
https://linktr.ee/elazmusic https://www.youtube.com/user/ElazulTF2 http://www.twitch.tv/elazultf2_____

I used to play TF2 in
-HL Premiership
National FRANCE team
-UGC Plat
Gimme ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Opponnents

Stinson_Out #DeutschLAN 2016!: its funny you txt me now
Stinson_Out #DeutschLAN 2016!: but i am literally watching you roght now
<NUT> Jaeaekarhu: LE BAGUETTE
El Mismo A|ice: would love to be a girl
El Mismo A|ice: to ♥♥♥♥ you all day long
El Mismo A|ice: SUCE MA BITE
A|ice! #QUICKSELLING: i just want your signed tshirt
A|ice! #QUICKSELLING: don't give a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about others xD
ElazuL: I can even wear it, sweat in it, and send it if you like
A|ice! #QUICKSELLING: ♥♥♥♥ a ♥♥♥♥♥ with it
A|ice! #QUICKSELLING: then send
a Woolen Sleevelet: have you considered doing voiceovers for erotic novels
chooper: hawpt eqw taer
ElazuL lft UGC: ???
ElazuL lft UGC: happy new year if that is what you mean :)
chooper: ya, ehwpy ewa uaer
kick ? Trump or Treat: likes prog, has beard, just missing bunch o weed to actually be cool
Tatty G is now Online.
ElazuL: hi ? Who is this
Tatty G: you're a god.
Tatty G is now Offline.
https://media1.tenor.com/images/ef9a0faf5fb8eb102a922e291dbdcc34/tenor.gif https://youtu.be/p_tilYlhSj4?t=40sI will not accept requests if we don't know each other or if you did not comment, I have enough scammers as it is.