https://youtu.be/qQmXFePWOZA ﷽
If it's ruled a suicide, it wasn't me.
Love it when a ♥♥♥♥♥ hit me with them ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ass games, that's a checkmate from the moment you press play.
One can always hope, as misplaced as it may be.
It tends to do good for one's sanity.
IMPERSONATOR WARNING: If the account does not have an Energetic Spooker Punk's Pomp, Frightened Poltergeist Brain Bowl, lvl 69 Burning Wild Brim Slouch (previous three unboxed by this account), Iridescence Thousand-Yard Stare, Isotope Death Deluxe Shotgun, Energy Orb Aquamarine, Nebula UT, Scorching FPF, Kaleido Smoker, AND craft #93 miscs: IT IS NOT ME. This is my only account, every trade I make is from this account.
https://www.faceit.com/en/r/4bPyfW Post with reason before adding or I am unlikely to accept.
Everybody’s got a Mike Tyson until they get punched in the plan
Jah bless I an I jobless ageen, I owe so much negative money to so many wiseguys itt's nott even funny bruvva
I don't talk the talk unless I'm walking the walk,
Lord knows I don't waste breath on no rock.
I bite the hand that thieves, if they act up I give 'em greaves, oh lord please
Foot in mouth syndrome on the villain playin' victim.