♥♥♥♥ renrag says (2:28 PM - Renrag: Plz no)
2:28 PM - Renrag: yes you are a meatball
2:30 PM - Renrag: you belong on a spagetti that will be fed to some peasent who guards a gate
10:42 PM - Renrag: Oh my gawd, I love this song. This is my jam. Where is the peanut butter?
9:40 PM - Renrag: is that piotrusokssisii
8:29 PM - Renrag: Waffles name was poot once
8:29 PM - Renrag: i love it
12:07 AM - Renrag: O; zac efron
12:07 AM - Renrag: With bear grielssls surviving
8:25 PM - MDirt: LOL
8:26 PM - Renrag: LOL
1:06 AM - Renrag: Yes
1:06 AM - Renrag: Face of mercy
1:06 AM - Renrag: Mercy Jackson
1:07 AM - Renrag: Mercy Jackson at camp half over
12:35 PM - Renrag: Write a 5 page essay about roblox
12:42 PM - Renrag: LOL
12:42 PM - Renrag: lemme go take a selfie in my bathroom and put it up
4:23 PM - Renrag: Hotdogs: I bought a hotdog suit so i can scream in it
4:23 PM - Renrag: Ren to cactus: you need a cactus suit
4:58 PM - Renrag: Will you go see the hunger games: Mockingjay part 1 with me
3:00 PM - Renrag: Where is the maayo
3:01 PM - Renrag: Oh my gawd, I love this song. This is my jam. Where is the May-ey-o
10:16 PM - Renrag: I can't say I have
10:16 PM - MDirt: Well you,
10:17 PM - Renrag: don't seem to appeal to me as the right kinda man
10:19 PM - Renrag: In animal crossing did u skip time
10:26 PM - Renrag: Never doubt the worm.
10:27 PM - Renrag: Never doubt the Worm.
7:50 PM - Renrag: ლ('◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ) Give ol' granny a hug!
4:44 PM - Renrag: I made my pony
4:45 PM - Renrag:
http://imgur.com/sSRkWRY 4:46 PM - Decicus: LMFAO
4:46 PM - Renrag: ;-;
4:46 PM - Renrag: Whats wrong with her
4:47 PM - Renrag: Shes perfect
5:03 PM - Renrag: So true
5:03 PM - Renrag: I know this one girl that drinks like half a gallon a day and survived totaling her car
8:45 PM - Renrag: Just gave an apple to a kid. Does that mean I beat the game?
8:10 PM - Renrag: Its so hard to believe that that grey alien is us in the future
8:11 PM - Renrag: Its NOT us though
8:11 PM - Renrag: Its from the species that brough us to this planet
8:11 PM - Renrag: thats at least what i believe
8:11 PM - Renrag: but now they want to breed into our planet
8:12 PM - Renrag: and i thought we couldn't time travel to the past
8:12 PM - Renrag: only to the future
8:12 PM - Renrag: past is more complecated to time travel to
2:49 PM - Renrag: WOW
2:50 PM - Renrag: u beet radish Bread
6:07 PM - Renrag: He wants to rush
6:07 PM - Renrag: I like to take it slow
6:07 PM - Renrag: Also thats how him and I do in bed
6:07 PM - Renrag: oh trust me i know
6:08 PM - MDirt: that's going on my profile
6:08 PM - Renrag: C:
4:18 PM - Renrag: Oh... Well when you find me ima stare at you until you feel uncomfortable
4:18 PM - Renrag: Then ima walk towards you
4:18 PM - Renrag: And raise my hand
4:18 PM - MDirt: [ o ]_[ o ]
4:18 PM - Renrag: Then smack you on the buttocks
4:18 PM - Renrag: And say good game
8:37 PM - Sir Sniper Mctwisp: hi good afternoon
8:37 PM - Sir Sniper Mctwisp: I heard we are getting married
8:37 PM - Renrag: LOL WHO SAID THAT
8:37 PM - Sir Sniper Mctwisp: u and now u set urself to busy O_O
9:06 PM - Renrag: had to um
9:06 PM - Renrag: set up arrangements
10:01 PM - Sir Sniper Mctwisp: have u heard
10:01 PM - MDirt: have i heard what
10:01 PM - Sir Sniper Mctwisp: im getting married to Renrag
10:01 PM - Sir Sniper Mctwisp: ask Renrag urself
7:32 PM - Renrag: I got everyone to sit on a plane.
10:37 PM - Renrag: Gimme day booty
6:57 PM - Renrag: gonna buy good filming software
6:57 PM - Renrag: gonna film me a montage of punching fallout 4 butts