A Derp and just all around gamer as action speaks louder the words.
And very soccially akward. As sometimes i rather not talk.

The Heart of The Lonely is Always Empty.(info has stuffs)
Oh look what clever spies. see them lurking around the bend.
how i hate those sneaky sneakies
how they make my stomach turn.
i got a little secret. that will really make them die.
its a nasty kind of tech. from a really special kind of guy.
*insert random dance here*
this tele is made for building. but it isnt to be used.
when they step onto this....
they are sucked inside to the most Ruthless place ever seen.
the magic labrinth of I.M. Mmmeeeenn.
full of fire, full of traps. all hope will soon be lost in the:
the magic labrinth of I.M. Mmmeeeeennnn!
i am the broken piteous remnant of true humanity,
the Pawn of nothingness and nonexistence.
i am the shell, the tainted shadow of a man whose presence
i am blessed and doomed never to comprehend.
i am the shadow hanging? thick upon the heart of the world.
i am the darkness that creeps emptily into the minds of countless others.
I'm what's left, or perhaps, i'm all that ever was....
I am Niemand...now lass mich deine Seele opfern, um den Herrscher der Finsternis
From Head To Heart. The Moon Shines Bright
With Luna In Our Sight. We Know It Shall Be a Peacefull Night.
are you still reading this?....