Hi! I'm Rayque - a gamer from Youtube.
I'm one of the pioneers for the creation of the
Rayque3 Staff . Together with my good friend MechaRaptor (Luxatus Patella) we started our video career on July 7th, 2008. Through the years our Youtube has grown into a small hub for fellow gamers. We have over 10.000 followers, together with over ten million total upload views.
I'm someone with a passion for both video games and the LEGO toy brand. I'm a person that never gives up and follows his dreams. My dream is working for The LEGO Company as a Product Designer, and I have been working out my way to that goal since my early childhood. I'm certain about achieving it, and maybe you will see some sets designed by me in a far future...
People might know me from MapleStory Europe. I am a veteran MapleStory player, started back in 30 September 2007 and I still play about every day. Since that day I have only mained one character, which is the Hero class, and I still haven't changed that choice ever since. Without quitting once or having the urge to. Other recurring games I can be found at are Team Fortress 2, the Borderlands franchise and Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel.
Well, that's pretty much the most important stuff. If you do have questions, please ask. Feel free to add me in your Steam friend list, but if you are one of those TF2 traders - don't bother trying. Nothing is for sale, and I doubt that you could offer anything I would be interested in. Don't forget to visit our Youtube channel!
Youtube Blog [www.rayque.blogspot.com]