Please read this before asking any questions!


I am the true and only CrazySwiss, i don't have any other profile and i'm not looking to exchange or buy any skins.
It was reported to me that some people try to scam with a profile similar to mine or claiming to be me, please don't fall for it!
I can't and won't repay any skin lost in such a way.

Watch out!!!!!
These guys are scamming people with a copy of my profiel!!! -> trade banned lol -> changed his profile, still a scammer
Always be carefull when trading!
Feel free to add me, but;
Due to too many spammers/bots, please comment on my profile the reason why you want to add me and i will not add anyone asking for it in the comments.

Level 0 and private profils friends request will be blocked!

No freebies, so don't ask for it please!

I was a collector, sold most of my skins (DLore, Howl, most of my knives and so on) during the mad Valve trade ban event of 2018, bought a car with it!

Best/worst trolls will be displayed on my profile!