Been a while, hasn't it? I still play mainly fighting games. Other genres are cool.
What I'm currently playing at the moment
Guilty Gear Strive: I play Baiken in this one. Yep.
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core +R: I'm okay at this one. I main Baiken as per usual. Though, to be honest, I'm more familiar with her kit in Rev 2.
King of Fighters XV: My main shell is Leona/Iori. I also play Whip a decent amount.
DNF Duel: I've been trying to learn Kunoichi as of late, might probably main her. Will still play Striker though.
Soul Calibur VI: First good Soul Calibur in a while. Was not fond of IV or V. I still prefer I and II, but I'm down to play this game whenever. I only play Taki really, though I would like to learn Setsuka.
100% Orange Juice: I play quite a few characters, heh. Let me know if you wanna play.
Apex Legends: I'm pretty out of my element in FPS'es. But I do play every once in a while if my friends wanna play. I mainly play Recon legends like Crypto or Bloodhound. Loba can be fun too.
Halo Infinite: I play this too, don't expect me to be good lol.
Rivals of Aether: I honestly need to play this more. Though I'm currently focusing on the top 3. I play Zetterburn. Ash if you have workshop characters.