Sockie the dog

I like to leave random nice comments on people's profiles even if I don't know them.

age: 25 (OH NO I'M OLD D:)
gender: male
sexuality: I am just dog.

species: husky
fave color: tie between pastel pink and pastel blue
i enjoy playing tf2. it's even better with friends!

medic/pyro main.

yes pyro has some broken weapons. no i don't use them.
some stupid quotes i like:
“'Better a dozen unneeded plans than one unmade one.'”
"every sinner has a future, and every saint has a past."
"ur mom gay"
ALWAYSâ“ŤWATCHING <- vintage slenderman meme
don't be a toxic player and we'll get along great.
thanks for reading. have a nice day! C: