Pαυlãσ™ ρ√z

I don't accept invites from people with private profiles or very low level, 1 game on account and 5 items in backpack. Stop also send me phising links,
do you really think I'm so stupid?- Don't add me, if you only want to have me on your Friend List. I don't collect random people.
- Don't add me, only because you collect people!
- Don't add me, if you want to ask me the prices of items. I'm not a spreadsheet.
- Don't add me for trades.
- Don't ask me: "How are you?" and other random questions like that. I don't have time for small talk.
- Don't ask me: "How to make profit?". I'm not a trading guru, you know.
- Don't ask me for free items. If I ever give free items to someone, then this person is my friend.
- Don't invite me to play with you. I play whenever I want and I don't need encouraging.
- Don't disturb me when I play multiplayer games. I have no time for conversation.
- Sorry for my bad English. I'm not an American or a Brit.
If you will ignore anything mentioned above, don't be suprised
that I'll delete you from my friend list and block you without warning.