
Friend requests:
I donΒ΄t accept random friend requests. If you want to add me, please leave a comment with a reason, I will ignore you when we have no friends in common. Also, I'll instantly decline your friend request if:

β You have one VAC ban.
β Your profile is private.
β You're lvl 0 with a "?" avatar and no games at all.

My statuses
β Online - I am online, and you can always message me, when I'm in a game, it may take a while
until I answer.
β Busy - Doing random stuff. Feel free to send a message, when I get back I'll answer your question.
β Away - That means I'm away, obviously. You can leave messages and I'll answer once I get back.
β Offline - I am Offline
β If I don't respond then it means either I am AFK (away from keyboard) or playing a multiplayer match. Just leave your msg and I will get back at ya.

Give This Rose
To Everyone You Care About!
Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue.
So you found my profile
" WOO-HOO! "

Please No inviting me to a game, When I'm already playing another game. Please No Chat messages while in Game I wont Responed Unless in same Game.
Employment: Caterpillar UK.
Origin: marko12uk1 for friends to find Me
Hobbies: Match Fishing, Computer Gaming
Faverite Drink : Bacardi & Coke
Games: Love to play COD games Been playing them since they first came out.
Pet : Tess Alsatian she is 10 this year:
The Sun always rises while the answer lies in the Heart of Battle