조카 // JonBonesJoh
내 삼촌들:
"Ya Wow, Shamwow!" ~Bailey Kim 2011 "Dude Seriously You Philiping Philip" ~James Zentner 2015 More Info On Poop:
Did you know that different type of poop (as in colors) can affect your lifestyle?
Green = You have too much idjutness in your brain.
Blue = The amount of smurfs is too high.
Yellow = See a doctor.
Brown = If you poop brown it means your getting too much food in your system and you should starve yourself fatty.
Indigo = Falling off a cliff is the best viable option. Magenta = More space particles causes thermonuclear reaction
Pink = Did you eat too much of deez nutz
Marmalade Yellow = Your urine and farts have changed their state of matter into a solid
Juan Blue = Have you tried turning it on and back off?
Ocean Red = Carpooling with your mom and sister is your biggest regret with t-swift playing in the background
Gargling Father Green = Eating that raw chicken with a dipping sauce of indigo poop was not smart
Plutonean Orange = Motherboards from your pc is smoking mid all day everyday
Carmen Frodo Red = Blue mixture of kool-aid causes several cases of migration in the west causing gassy poop
Moon Moon Blue = Wow. Like. Wow. Good Lunch Have Fries cuz u skrwd.
Silver Elite Master = Bro just indigo poop please.
Aloha Alikubarian Plutonian Magentatastic Purple = Gassy fries cause hard poop.
Advil Cargo Pants Color = Zeus does not approve of marrying his daughter without the consent of pee pee bizon master elite causing marmalade shaded poop.
When You Run Out Of Colors = Idk. Never experienced it before
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