My Steam account is older than Fortnite
RTX 3090 24GB

No one knows it but this Moonrover background is extremely rare -2019
account value: $7KUSD+
Epic games: 224
all MY STATS RESET i am so UPSET I been keeping stats since 2018
11/12/2016 Games: 262 Level 38

9/10/19-GAMES: 565 LEVEL 95
9/20/19 GAMES: 601 Level 95
10/10/19 GAMES: 603 Level 96 = 2,554- Items Owned
785-Trades Made
5,603-Market Transactions
11/5/2019 Games: 606 Level 100
11/30/19 GAMES: 611 Level 100
12/6/19 GAMES:613 Level 100
12/24/19 games: 650 LEVEL 102
5/4/2020- GAMES; 777 LEVEL 105
7/1/2020-GAMES: 815 LEvel 108
12/10/2020-games:836 level 108
1/1/2021- games:855 Level: 110
6/16/2021- Games:864 Level: 111
6/17/2021-games 921 Level 111
6/30/2021-Games 930 Level 113
4/18/2022-Games 900 Level 115 (8 Year Steam Badge)
8/12/2022-Games 935 level 116
9/20/2022-games- 985 Level 116
11/12/2022-Games 994 Level 116
11/27/2022-Games 1007 Level 116 (1,000 games checkpoint

1/1/2023 -Games 1019 Level 121
3/12/2023 - Games 1087 Level 133
4/18/2023-Games 1114 Level 140 (9 Year steam badge)
6/20/2023-Games 1194 Level 140
12/6/2023-Games 1216 Level 143
1/1/2024- Games 1243 Level 144
2/29/2024- Games 1287 - Level 144
4/18/24 -Games 1321 - Level 144 (10 year steam badge)
9/11/24 Games 1369 - Level 146
10/17/24 Games 1400 - Lv 150
1/1/24 G 1457 L 156
You have spent approximately $640.52 USD in the game after this card set was released. - 9/20/2019
You have spent approximately $815.41 USD -1/3/2021
You have spent approximately $825.12 USD - 11/10/2022
You have spent approximately $888.62 USD - 1/20/2023
Guys, I love steam so much, I started playing since middle school, like bro thats so long ago! and I will never forget steam, becuase csgo is litteraly amazing! its so much fun and just a very well crafted game, and the skin and steam market and trading sytem is amazing, only thing I would change would be TO NOT HAVE A 7 DAY BAN EVERYTIME YOU TRADE

I have 2k ours on fortnite