Sir Bucket
Im terrified of women, their powers frighten me.
my hands are full of small bits of metal, the pain is only present when i touch the steering wheel
i have a book about rocks, it is very interesting, one could say it rocks
water is very nice, pretty good i think
im pretty sure im an alcoholic in denial
ive dropped some corn beef with reggae sauce on my foot, this is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
where have all my T-shirts gone???
there is a stack of cider cans in front of me, my mother saw them and said nothing
I only use my bicycle to go to the pub so i can drink as much as i want and come home in an extremely inebriated state, some would say i am a public nuisance
i have failed to put away the bottle of Hellmann's real mayonnaise
heres something i copied and pasted to prove my computer skills:
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