Hello and welcome to my profile!
I'm just some casual pleb who plays games for fun
I'm a teacher on jump academy, so feel free to ask about jumping. I'm also a professional cell biologist, ask me anything about bio!
Overall I try to stay lenient with my friends list however I prefer not to receive the following:
Please do not send unsolicited trade requests My
trade link If I want to sell something in my inventory I will add a sell request for it on my account [] or profile. You could also just ask me directly if I am selling something in particular that you want.
Please do not beg me for items or spam me with gambling/raffle sites I think we can all agree that getting spam of that kind is no fun, spamming me with links, especially suspicious ones means an automatic unfriend from me.
As for comments I try not to censor any comments because I want people to say what they want, but any highly offensive speech/slurs for the sake of trolling are going to be deleted. Same goes for any scammy links or phishing links