Antony Julius Bologne aka. Antony Bologne
Hello! My name is Antony Bologne, I'm A dragon, and I'm very excited to meet you. I love meeting new people. Say, you wanna be friends? Oh.... sorry, I'm getting a little ahead of myself. I explore the community servers of TF2, looking for the unique peoples that populate them. I used to shy away from violence, but times have changed. You gotta do what ya gotta do to make it now. Doesn't mean I can't try to kill them with kindness first!
Johnathan Herbert Ham aka The Flying Ham
Hi there, I'm Johnathan Ham, but my friends call me The Flying Ham. I don't go anywhere without my trusty ham. There is nothing more satisfying that the crackling slap of a critical ham, and the scream of the enemy team. No, I'm not a blood-thirsty psychopath, I just like landing a critical ham. Outside of the battle, I like listening to my records. Ooo, can't forget a book. One can't go wrong with a good book!
Tommy Joe Walker aka Tommy Texan
I'm Tommy Texan, and I ah-Looooove Texas. Ain't no better state in the whole U.S of A. I live with my friends. It used to be just me, Antony, Ham, and the Producer. But now Tube is here. Antony is one of them furry things, and I don't care for them. Ham is weird. Tube, don't even get me started on tube THAT SON OF A BI... Sorry. Did I mention Ham is weird? I'm pretty sure I'm the only normal one around here, aside from our producer Gus. Despite their shortcomings, they are still MY friends, so I put up with em. OH, did I mention, I LOVE TEXAS!
Gus aka The Producer
Hi, I'm Gus. I'm the one responsible for keeping these knuckle heads in check, and for managing the production. I try to keep everyone from getting themselves in trouble, however, this is not always the case. Sometimes, I will join the crew in playing a game, or take over if no one else is available that day. I also just cover all the odds and ends that they don't want to do, otherwise, I'm mostly just behind the scenes.
████ aka Tube Man
No need for introductions. Ain't my deal. Now listen, I got me, and I got my tube. And if you thinks you can just stand there and laugh at my tube, then buddy we gonna have a problem. Tube man ain't taking sh*t from no one. Tube Man does what Tube Man gotta do. Capiche? Now could ya stand still, I'm trying to aim my shiny ball at that ugly face of yours.