Gravelord Lych
Hi, I'm Hund and I am a pretty chill Furry, but there are certain things that can and will tick me off
- Making jokes that me, and the Furry Community, have intercourse with animals
- Calling me names or slurs and claiming it's a joke or "friendly banter"
- Bullying my friends or innocent players for no reason
- And being an egotistical, narcissistic, fun-hating lowlife
Other than that, I am a normally nice and quiet person. I'm only a ♥♥♥♥ when you instigate it. Here are also some things I will not do, so don't bother commenting about it
- Trading certain items. If I never listed it for sale on, you're not getting it, I'm sorry
- Selling my backpack. I may need the cash, but I wasted years getting my stuff, I won't throw it away
- Random friend requests. If we met before, and I liked you, I'll add. If not, please don't, it's rare I'll add you
- Typical Scams. I'm not stupid, you scammers are genuine idiots, I'm not falling for it
- Just call me an ape and be done with it. Your group is cancer and the MvM bots are more useful than you jerks
Other than that, welcome to my profile. If you actually read this description, thank you, you're actually one of the few smart people who commented. Most of the ones I get are said jerks, but the rest are friends. Have a good morning/day/afternoon/night