1O IQ Player BOB
I KILLED YOU ?, That Doesn't Mean You Need To Check My Profile.
Current RANK = GN1
Welcome to my Profile
Pay attention to impersonators, this is my only active Account.
If you want to add me you must Follow these Rules:
➜ Leave a comment why you added me.
➜ I do not accept people with private profiles/inventories.
(If you’re legit, there’s no need to hide your profile)
➜ I do not accept people with Vac or Tradebans.
➜ I do not accept people with profiles that have their steamlevel between 0 – 5.
(As mentioned above, these accounts are not trusted along with the private profiles)
➜ Do not ask for ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥/games or steamaccounts.
If you added me and I do not respond, i'm probably AFK (Offline)
Dear scammers,
I know every way to scam someone, do not waste both of our times moreover, you definitly don’t
want a report on your steam profile for scamming atempts. (They lead mostly to a tradeban)