I'm Just your Normal Scout Of "THE BOIS" I still need help but I got Mr. Callisto, Katashi, Seanxd, Spycrab, Gzero, Calculator, race And Others Helping me to be a better Scout
More About Me and the Bois...
Mr Callisto: My Flava, Favorite Heavy On Our Server and The Bois... He's Helped me Get better at fighting Heavy's And He's Got His Own Youtube:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfbOk4IuVIZyK-Xcim-XmhQ Overall Love this Guy
Katashi: One Of our Best Medic's And He's one of my Favorite's He's An amazing player and an amazing person to talk to and play with, He's Also got a youtube:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCctVJkReaKCRti9nOZaQYOw Go check Him Out and Thank you
Seanxd: Our One and only Madlad That's our main boy If we need somethin Done right and He's the Best guy I've Met So Far He's got a youtube Where Me and the bois Mess around and Have A load of fun:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUhVfevLVy7SQ9C78eSKcvw Go check him out and Subscribe He's a Talented Animator And go like his videos Thank you
Spycrab: Our Spy and Best Joker Of the group when things go south you can rely on him to make it better, He's Our madlad And we love him for it and his dumb decisions heres his youtube go check em out:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSK3qdpfA4rdAIqAo_fK7Dw Go ♥♥♥♥♥♥ subscribe already... jeez....
Gzero: Oh... my ... GOD
Give this man the best sniper award already he's the best of the best, He's our sniper and Boi of terror when people see him join which I don't understand why they're afraid of our Boy but ya Gotta meet him he's an Amazing guy overall
I'll add more of ya In the future calm your tits....