Item class instances

Unusual Taunt: The High Five! (Potion Explosion)

Class IDInstance IDNameLowdown
5556797644 11040578 Unusual Taunt: The High Five! Quality: Unusual, Effect: Potion Explosion, Uncraftable: Yes, Effectid: 0
5556805204 11040578 Unusual Taunt: The High Five! Quality: Unusual, Effect: Potion Explosion, Effectid: 0
5556805204 1363834446 Unusual Taunt: The High Five! Quality: Unusual, Effect: Potion Explosion, Effectid: 0
5570410522 11040578 ''The quarnozian HF of death'' Quality: Unusual, Effect: Potion Explosion, Uncraftable: Yes, Effectid: 0