Strange Professional Killstreak Spectral Shimmered Scotsman's Skullcutter (Factory New) aka Strange Professional Killstreak Spectral Shimmered Scotsman's Skullcutter
Asset flags
Tradable, Marketable, Not Commodity
- Commando Grade Axe (Factory New)
- Strange Stat Clock Attached
- Kills: 0
- Critical Kills: 0
- Soldiers Killed: 0
- Medics Killed: 0
- When weapon is active:
- This Weapon has a large melee range and
deploys and holsters slower - +20% damage bonus
- Killstreaker: Tornado
- Sheen: Team Shine
- Killstreaks Active
- 15% slower move speed on wearer
- Scream Fortress X Collection
- Electroshocked War Paint
- Tumor Toasted War Paint
- Ghost Town War Paint
- Skull Study War Paint
- ✔ Spectral Shimmered War Paint
- Calavera Canvas War Paint
- Spirit of Halloween War Paint
- Horror Holiday War Paint
- Totally Boned War Paint
- Haunted Ghosts War Paint
Quality: strange / Strange, Type: melee / Melee weapon, Class: Demoman, Exterior: TFUI_InvTooltip_FactoryNew / Factory New