Tiger Buffed Brass Beast (Factory New) aka Tiger Buffed Brass Beast
Asset flags
Tradable, Marketable, Not Commodity
- Mercenary Grade Minigun (Factory New)
- +20% damage bonus
- -20% damage resistance when below 50% health and spun up
- 50% slower spin up time
- -60% slower move speed while deployed
- The Hibernating Bear
- The Brass Beast
- The Buffalo Steak Sandvich
- The Warrior's Spirit
- The Big Chief
- Jungle Jackpot Collection
- Park Pigmented War Paint
- Sax Waxed War Paint
- Yeti Coated War Paint
- Macaw Masked War Paint
- Croc Dusted War Paint
- Piña Polished War Paint
- Anodized Aloha War Paint
- Bamboo Brushed War Paint
- ✔ Tiger Buffed War Paint
- Leopard Printed War Paint
- Mannana Peeled War Paint
Quality: paintkitweapon / Decorated Weapon, Type: primary / Primary weapon, Class: Heavy, Exterior: TFUI_InvTooltip_FactoryNew / Factory New