Scarab Pendant of the Priest Kings
Common Pendant
Asset flags
Not Tradable, Not Marketable, Not Commodity
- Used By: Chen
- Gift From: Jобнутый...
- Date Received: Feb 14, 2015 (8:06:11)
- Gemmed Armor of the Priest Kings
- Gemmed Pauldrons of the Priest Kings
- Gemmed Mitre of the Priest Kings
- Gemmed Bracers of the Priest Kings
- Scarab Pendant of the Priest Kings
- Ruling Staff of the Priest Kings
- Sanurok the Ever Able
- This is no false idol, but an idol true, from which the sacred scarab of the faith may one day spread its golden wings and fly.
- ( Not Tradable )
Quality: unique / Standard, Rarity: Rarity_Common / Common, Type: wearable / Wearable, Slot: misc / Misc, Hero: npc_dota_hero_chen / Chen