Auspicious Gallows Understudy Hood
Uncommon Hood
Asset flags
Tradable, Marketable, Not Commodity
- Used By: Bloodseeker
- New Bloom 2014
- The Gallows Understudy
- Gallows Understudy Mantle
- Gallows Understudy Hood
- Gallows Understudy Back
- Gallows Understudy Gauntlets
- Gallows Understudy Skirt
- Gallows Understudy Blade
- Gallows Understudy Blade - Off-Hand
- In the land where executions are accomplished by gallows, Strygwr shadows his face that the thirst of the Twins that burns in his eyes may go unremarked by suspicious passersby.
Quality: lucky / Auspicious, Rarity: Rarity_Uncommon / Uncommon, Type: wearable / Wearable, Slot: head / Head, Hero: npc_dota_hero_bloodseeker / Bloodseeker