Item Asset Class Instance

SCID 570-4672369030-5680646632

Draca Maw

Draca Maw
Immortal weapon

Asset flags

Not Tradable, Marketable, Not Commodity


  • Used By: Huskar
  • When he first heard rumors of the "unkillable" draca eels that swim the magma rivers of Krulcsar, Huskar paid no mind. It was only in the midst of a firelodge vision quest that the eels' true potential became clear.
  • On Trade Cooldown Until: Jan 15, 2024 (10:00:00)


Quality: unique / Standard, Rarity: Rarity_Immortal / Immortal, Type: wearable / Wearable, Slot: weapon / Weapon, Hero: npc_dota_hero_huskar / Huskar