Oh Hai! -- I'm "Agoura_Steve"
sometimes people will impersonate me by trying to recreate my profile to SCAM
(or harass) other players, so please be alert to that possibility (!) because it’s happened at least 5 times already.
My profile / inventory will NEVER BE PRIVATE (or linked to another account) (!!!), and will always be above level 250 (still leveling it up),
if you can't see the level, that means it's private, and therefore it's not me!! Make sure it's me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My general account rep thread:
https://rep.tf/76561197974225531I play a lot, then I stop for a year, then I play a lot etc. I'm not consistent so please don't unfriend me for inactivity.
I mostly play, or have played a lot of:
UT2004 (Unreal Tournament 2004), TF2 (Team Fortress 2), Call of Duty
(all versions of CoD), and CS:GO (CounterStrike Global Offensive).
I've logged over 9000 hours of UT2k4 on various accounts.
TF2 hours played are in the thousands of hours.
800+ MVM Tours in Mann up last time I totaled up the badges incl. alts,
I’ve found 15 Austrailiums at the time of writing this.
Earned 5 Gold canteen badges + 1 Silver on alts for Potato MVM as well, so I really have done a "LOT" of MVM.
I'm actually in the MVM hall of fame for 4 different tours at MVMlobby.tf
I joined |TvM| Team versus Machines, an MVM group for TF2 in 2014 (6 years there before leaving in 2019).
and in CS:GO I (was) on Team AkraZia for about a year.
I'm currently a Moderator in [THF] (another Mann versus Machine group).
I've been in some gaming Clans (Groups/Clubs), for competitive team Matches such as Clan [McF] for Mafia Wars,
(A.S.S) / AMERICAN.SUPREME.SOLDIERS Gaming Clan for the game Unreal Tournament 2004 (since Feb. 2005)
and {=TkM=} for CoD2. AkraZia for CS:GO
I've been a Team Co-Captain, I've been a server admin for most all the games I play. I've been a Clan leader as well.
I still love to compete and have been a competition player since 2005.
UGC HL S8 - Soldier (Steel) Second Hand Mercenaries [ShM]
UGC HIGHLANDER S15 - Heavy (Steel) [*LBB*]
**TF2 Platinum Dueling Badge owner! (in top 100 in the world for 2011)
http://steamcommunity.com/stats/TF2/leaderboards/30379 [currently pg.11]
http://csgo.backpack.tf/profiles/76561197974225531 TF2 Backpack:
http://backpack.tf/profiles/76561197974225531I really do not trade anymore! It will be SO RARE if I do !! Use this link only at your risk of being blocked immediately,
Maybe even reported if you smell like a scammer (I will usually only decline trades and / or block users).
https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=13959803&token=DEz1ev_O _______________________________________________________________
My (3) Unreal Tournament 2004 Maps :
http://www.mapraider.com/profiles/AgouraSteve Maps review:
https://utunlimited.wordpress.com/?s=Agoura _
Be sure to check out my Videos (subscribe!) at youtube (Agourasteve1)
https://www.youtube.com/user/agourasteve1/videos?view_as=subscriber _
Geocaching Stats:
https://project-gc.com/ProfileStats/Agoura_Steve __________________________________________________________________
More about me on a personal level:
For the last 10 years I've been reading the Old testament & New Testament of the Holy Bible.
I can see that everything that is in the scripture has come true 100%!!
except for the end times events yet to come, so I am 100% sure that Jesus is God!
It's hard not to see that He told us everything thousands of years ago that would happen just so that
we would believe. Read the book. You will be blown away. The proof is there. (Yes, I’m for real & serious.)
Btw, Are you a good person?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCSUKIhjevo _____