"Our core is madness. The prime directive is murder. What Darwin was too polite to say, my friends, is that we came to rule the earth not because we were the smartest, or even the meanest, but because we have always been the craziest, most murderous motherf*ckers in the jungle [...]. " - Stephen King
Sharpen your teeth, load your guns, pick up your axes. We're going to war!

I'm a gamer. I've been playing video/computer games since I was a little boy, and that was many, many years ago.
But... I'm also a reader. I've been reading books since I was a little boy and that was...
But... I'm also a cook. I've been making food since I was...
But... I'm also a programmer. I've been programming... for more than a decade.

I play RPGs (as a warrior, warrior+archer, archer), Adventure games, Strategy games (turn-based), FPS (as a sniper mostly), Stealth games, sometimes MMORPGs (Wow - Priest, Shaman, Hunter), Roguelike.
I really enjoy playing games with a good story.
I'm bad with platformer games... I mean BAD, but I'm doing my best to be better...

Feel free to add me as a friend!
I always enjoy a good company :)
"He who stands with me shall be my brother. - Force Commander" Warhammer 40K
