Pro Box
I am bereft of two human things. Two things that my ass can never do. Two things that I strive for. Two things between myself and mankind. Death and the funny.
- Gmod Ohio Apartment WR holder: _________________________________
Important quotes from important people:
"Balls in my mouth, man balls." - glog review 10/10 glog
"Let me drive the boat!" - Archduke Franz Ferdinand
"Don't judge people by their chungus!." - Vid
"My ability to pick up autistic mores and folkways from one measly google search is ten fold" - Vid
"Towel ass ♥♥♥♥♥ ass burger Mickey Mouse slapping the goofy outta you, get yo burrito wet towel ass back to Japan and be like kawooo shhhhh. I have studied the language of ♥♥♥♥♥♥ and I have gave you a PhD in it... Can’t wait for Christmas so Santa can say ho ho ho you a ♥♥♥" - Spooky_Medium
"No gaming without representation!" - Benjamin Franklin
"Penis Message: You" - Turtle Man
"My Lord! please send more gaming!" - Vid
"Imma delete your animation!" - Harry Truman
""Ask not what your chungus can do for you, but what you can do for your chungus." - John F. Kenendy
"It was just a joke bro, calm down." - Genghis Kahn