I don't do SFM posters anymore, sorry. I'm not willing to sell my TF2 backpack either.
I'm also known as ShadowWhirl!
A list of interesting events I've been in in TF2:
- On a vanilla pub server, I've seen someone with a Saxxy
- On a vanilla pub server, I've seen a creator of multiple implemented halloween items
- On an unusual trade server, I've seen someone with a real burning flames Killer Exclusive
- In a vanilla MvM match, I've played with someone with a golden pan
- On my 6th or 7th MvM tour, I got an australium medigun
- On a random summer night, I had 2 keys. Before I left the computer to go to dinner, I unboxed a single crate and got an unusual that was 10 buds at the time (when buds were worth like 20 keys)
- After buying a strange huntsman, I unboxed one of those special crates and on the first unbox I got a Professional Killstreak kit for the huntsman with Mean Green Flaming Horns.
- On a rocket-jump academy server, I met Callegos Yavolitak, a somewhat famous SFM maker
- I know someone with 2 achievement necro smashers.