----------------------------------------------- English ---------------------------------------------------
No longer magic man in
GamesBoard [gamesboard.pl] R.I.P 2013 - 2016 (registration date)
If you want to trade with me, just don't. I don't accept any trade offers except from scrap.tf etc.
Windows 10 crash simulator? i don't need it :)
Windows 10 need update? give me ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ space...
https://scr.hu/mojz1z on my 120 GB SSD
i watch anime cuz i can

---------------------------------------------- Polish ------------------------------------------------------
Były technik
GamesBoard [gamesboard.pl] R.I.P 2013 - 2016 (data rejestracji)
Nie akceptuję żadnych ofert wymian, prócz tych z scrap.tf, backpack.tf itp.
I'm ecchi man so.. pray to the god of boobs 
Ecchi is love, ecchi is live
Why valve didn't release Half-Life 3 yet? because hammer immediately crashes after open
Why valve didn't release Half-Life 3 yet? because they're waiting 15 years to compile one map
And Hammer is mistake
Nepu nepu neeep