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Nintendo Switch friend code: SW-5889-1898-1950
PSN: ytpguy678
Discord: yeahtoastguy#4475 : yeahtoastguy#1156 (although I never use it).
(Elementary) School is like a adventure, and it's also your road to the future! Things Found In TF2 (that are valuable): The Voodoo Juju (Slight Return), The Reindoonicorn, The Flapjack, The Surgeon's Stahlhelm, The Falconer, The Stocking Stuffer, The Frymaster, Giftapult, Ye Olde Rustic Colour, The Sengoku Scorcher, Dueling Mini-Game, The Dr. Whoa, The German Gonzila, The Pocket Purrer, The Buccaneer's Bicorne, The Surgeon's Side Satchel, The Honcho's Headgear, and The Tools of the Trade.
This friend made a profile picture of mine a long time ago so I thought I should credit him as well (even if it's not in use anymore): have another account too (although I don't use it): to send me a trade offer?
Right here: