By the time you read this sentence, you will have already lost 5 seconds.( Unless you read like me) I am a human from Planet Earth, and I think that's all you need to know.Low quality SFMs here: was told that I was better off actually using this area. So here.
Good morning, afternoon, or evening.
I'm Dummie, who you probably know as "the If TF2 Was Mixed WIth Other Games guy". That is not incorrect.
Click to get RickrolledBasic Info
I'm a 20 year old human being who happens to create SFM content occasionally.
Profile and Game Policy
If you're thinking about adding me,
I accept. I usually accept, until I reach the point where this is entirely infeasable. please comment down there as to why. I have reached the point where accepting all invites is infeasable. However, having a private account means that I won't add you. On a related note, I have a Discord Server and a Steam Group, where you receive early access to videos, or announcements for game nights.
I don't have a problem with voice chat, so feel free to do so. I respond to "Dummie" or "Oscar". Honestly, given which identity you probably know me as, I don't see why you would choose a 2-syllable name that you're familiar with over a 2-syllable name you are unfamiliar with.
Some TF2 servers that I regularly go to: (Rushy Servers - Zombie Survival - Australia #1) (Rushy Servers - Zombie Survival - California #1)
SFM Stuff
If you need an extra animator for your project, send me a script, or tell me about the basic premise first.
If you are interested in joining a project of mine, just ask. I could always use an extra set of hands.
I also have reservations regarding two things in the SFM community: 1, The existence of FnaF content; 2, The overuse of the RED Scout in shorts.
Do I accept commissions? I do not accept commissions for SFM artwork, since there are a million people who can do it better than me. However, I will accept intro creation, and am currently looking into making custom TF2 phone cases.
It should be obvious that I like money.Interesting Facts
I was told that this would make me look more human. So here.
2: I unironically enjoy Maths.
3: I do not intend for "Dummie" to become my job. This is a sidequest for me, and only a sidequest.
4: I studied at a school who you will most likely never ever visit.
Other People
People who I've directly worked with on SFM matters:
Hoovy Tube
The GoodChap
Jak Mockery
I also have an alt for SourceFilmmaker stuff called Dummmmie. that will be it.